Styling tips to help sell your home

A stunning and beautifully designed bedroom, it has been professionally designed, it represents understanding the various styling tips and strategies to help sell your home.

When it comes time to sell your home, there are a number of things you can do to improve the value and increase the sale price such as renovating wet areas and the kitchen, knocking down walls or completely overhauling it. If you’re not that keen on the time and effort required, here are some styling tips you can use that are low impact on the budget and pretty easy to do.

What is property styling?

Some people call it staging or dressing for sale. It differs from interior design, in that it’s not for you to enjoy or live in. The aim is to have the property looking as respectable as possible to be sold. Ideally, it’s to demonstrate the use of each room’s full potential.

Paint and window furnishings

Everyone knows that fresh paint smell. Instantly the place seems brand new! Although on the more expensive side, this can instantly rejuvenate a tired home.

Window furnishings like blinds, curtains and shutters are also an important feature to consider when restoring the charm of the property. They frame the windows in each room and allow for the space to be finished off – however old curtains or cheap shutters can make the room completely lacklustre. Simple shutters or blinds can be used to allow the perfect touch of natural light into the room, but they also provide excellent privacy.


Installing a few select pieces of modern art on the walls throughout your home will make the space look grand and refined, all while telling a story. There are some great businesses you can lease artwork through.:


Whether it’s a runner for a hallway, round rug or large rectangular rug, they provide zoning and anchor a room. A rug is a great way to make a space feel warm and inviting, especially on a timber floor. Rugs which are neutral and flexible can be moved throughout the house to different spaces – but there’s nothing better than an amazing colourful rug that looks like a a piece of art.


Everyone loves their bedroom. It’s where we spend a lot of our time! Making it feel warm and inviting is important – especially when selling it to prospective buyers. Think about utilising large knit throws, feather filled cushions, large pillows, bed heads and very neutral coloured linen. Crisp whites, greys and charcoals could be the sophisticated colours to go with!


When selling a house it is important to keep in mind that first impressions count, and it will always be judged by its facade! To ensure the home has a presentable street presence, make sure the garden is tidy, a beautiful pot plant sits next to the front door and finish with a nice welcome mat to entice potential buyers into the property.


We all know keeping indoor plants alive can be one of the hardest jobs. But it is only for a few weeks, you may surprise yourself! Living plants make your space feel fresh and alive. It adds a touch of nature and colour into the home, which will ultimately help to entice prospective buyers to make an offer.


The less is more approach is very critical when styling your property for sale!

Take everything out of the space and only replace the items that you feel are absolutely necessary. For example, in the kitchen - toasters, kettles and knives don’t need to be on display for the public open home! Find a cupboard and think bare minimum.


Don’t you love the feeling of coming home after a long day at work and putting your feet up to start relaxing.

It’s great for prospective buyers to feel the ease and comfort of your home, just like you do. These feeling can be provided by keeping it simple - a styled coffee table, shelving, consoles, candles and different decorative items. It’s a balance act, so don’t go over cluttering the home! Buyers love to be able to visualise themselves within the house.

Should I style the property myself?

It really depends on what you’ve got in the house in the first place. If you’re the type or person that has an old dining table, your kids cardboard box creations and your student desk visible in the property then you should probably consider hiring a styling professional.

It often takes an expert, to go into a space and view it to from a different perspective and really showcase the space to it’s best potential.

Further, it can be much cheaper to hire the furniture for the short term rather than buy brand new. Especially seeing as you’ll be moving to a new place soon and you will likely want pieces of furniture that will match your new property.

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